Sustainability - Brink's Dominican Republic
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Sustentabilidad de Brinks
Integrar aún más la sustentabilidad en nuestra estrategia comercial está mejorando nuestro desempeño y diferenciando a Brink's con todos nuestros grupos de interés. Hay un enfoque significativo en el impacto que tenemos en el medio ambiente, la sociedad y la forma en que aplicamos estándares de gobierno rigurosos en todas nuestras operaciones globales. El objetivo es maximizar la creación de valor total aprovechando la administración responsable de todo lo que se nos ha encomendado para generar un crecimiento sostenible y rentable.

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Supplier Code of Conduct
At Brink's, we maintain the highest standards when it comes to how we run our business. We have a long-standing commitment to operating with integrity, a core value, and expect the same of everyone with whom we work.
UN Global Compact
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Brink's is committed to making these principles part of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.
CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion
Brink’s has joined the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™, the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace. By joining CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, Brink’s is demonstrating its commitment to cultivating a trusting environment where all ideas are welcomed and employees feel comfortable and empowered.
Diversidad de proveedores
Brink's se compromete a desarrollar una base diversa de proveedores que garantice que las mujeres, los veteranos, las minorías y las pequeñas empresas puedan participar en la creación de valor para Brink's. Y creemos que una base diversa de proveedores nos ayudará a competir y ganar para nuestras comunidades, empleados y clientes.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct requires adherence to all applicable international, national, state, and local laws and regulations including, but not limited to, those related to labor, immigration, health and safety, and the environment. It also requires that suppliers ensure their supply chains are free from human rights violations.
Código de Ética
Código de Ética Nuestro Código de Ética sienta las bases de nuestra conducta ética y brinda orientación sobre cómo trabajamos. También se basa en estos cuatro principios de respeto:
- Respeto el uno por el otro
- Respeto por Brink’s y sus grupos de interés
- Respeto por nuestros clientes, y,
- Respeto a nuestras comunidades
Todos debemos seguir estas pautas y mantenernos firmes en nuestros principios, pase lo que pase.
Whistleblower Protection
The Brink’s Company encourages a culture of openness where employees, former employees and others can raise concerns or report violations or suspected violations of law or regulations without fear of retaliation or reprisals.
Política anticorrupción
El incumplimiento de las leyes anticorrupción refleja una falta de integridad, uno de nuestros valores fundamentales. En Brink's, se espera que todos comprendan y, lo que es más importante, demuestren a través de su comportamiento el pleno cumplimiento de la política.
Anti-Money Laundering
Brink’s is committed to the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing by ensuring, to the best of its ability, compliance with all applicable anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws and regulations and is guided by the principles enumerated in the recommendations and standards promulgated by relevant international bodies.
Brink's Violence and Harassment-Free Workplace Policy
Brink's is committed to providing a workplace that is free from violence, threats, harassment, intimidation, or any other activity that puts individuals in reasonable fear for their safety.
Global Data Protection Policy
Brink's is committed to protecting the privacy and security of its customers, suppliers, employees, workers and other third parties. This Policy sets forth key data protection principles governing the Processing of Personal Data by all Brink’s Entities.
European Data Protection Policy
This European Data Protection Policy supplements Brink’s Global Data Protection Policy in light of the specific requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”).